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Mixed Media Art From Nature

• Painting - Mixed Media, Land Based Art Projects

Create art from nature using found objects! Our objective for this course is to learn more about sustainable art making and reusing found items in art.

An outdoor nature walk and group search to pick up bits of plastic and metal can also be part of the course (or students can collect their own small pieces of plastic, wood or metal ahead of time).

Dee will bring in her own stash of (cleaned) collected bits to reuse. The group will create mixed media art using found objects with clay, plaster, acrylic gel media or paint. The materials can be tailored to specific class projects and themes. Conservation, nature and sustainable artwork will be discussed.

Grade SuitabilityK-6
Maximum Class Size25
Time Required2-4 hours instructional time (depending on grade level)/ 2 hours of prep time
Material Required Found objects can be provided or picked up together, all other materials provided
Material Cost Supplied at cost
Language of InstructionEnglish

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