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Band Support with All-City Band

• Music - Instruments

In an attempt to support young musicians and Elementary Music Specialists, we have included a list of adults who are excellent brass, woodwind or percussion players and are very comfortable working with students and teachers in smaller groups. All of the listed musicians are able to workshop: how to properly assemble and maintain one’s instrument (providing a list of the necessary equipment), the correct way to breathe, the most effective posture, the four types of tonguing, exercises to expand a players range, and how to make a wonderful sound. These adults are currently performers within Whitehorse Jazz and/ or Concert Bands and are available to tutor individuals, small like-instrument groups (at the same level of experience) and/or to support Directors with their ensembles. Moreover, if requested ahead of time, individuals are willing to demonstrate range, good sounds and each can recommend good listening CD’s for their own particular instrument. The complete list of musicians have worked extensively with young people Grades 6-12, but are willing to work with the Elementary Band teachers wishing to learn “how to get started correctly” as well. Schools may book a few clinicians to workshop before festivals or concerts, or may choose to book one or two a month, to reinforce basics and provide enrichment to a section of their ensemble at a time. All City Band Email: allcitybandwhitehorse@gmail.com.

All-City Band Members:

Judy Adams: Bass Clarinet Contact: 867 334 4427 / judy.howie.adams@gmail.com

Bruce Barrett: Oboe Contact 867 667 4552 / tundrarolling@gmail.com

Bill Barrick: All Brass instruments Contact: 867-633-5419 /867-335-4191/ wm.barrick@gmail.com

Colleen Clark: Clarinet Contact 867-633-2906 / colleen.erik@northwestel.net

Tara Cripps: Alto and Baritone Saxophone Contact: 867-335-8059 / tarahauff@hotmail.com

Kim Friedenberg: Baritone, Euphonium Contact: 867-633-5700 (w) / yukongold6@hotmail.com

Marie Gallagher: Bassoon Contact: 867-667-8044 ext 135 / arnica.cordifolia@gmail.com

Amy Hrebien: All percussion instruments including mallets Contact: 867-332-7393 / hrebiena@yahoo.ca

Erin Komschlies: Contact 867- 689-7935/e.komschlies@gmail.com

Tom McBee: Tenor Saxophone Contact: 867-334--7436  / tmcbee@yukoncollege.yk.ca

Andrea McColeman: All Percussion instruments/jazz piano Contact: 867-332-1222/amccoleman88@gmail.com

Serena McKone: Flute and Music Therapy Contact: 867-335-3761 / klondikemusictherapy@klondiker.com

Jennifer Ondrack: French Horn Contact: 867-393-4380 / catzmeow2008@gmail.com

Michael Pealow: Tuba Specialist, all Brass Instruments Contact: 867-335-3350 / michaelpealow@gmail.com

Collin Prentice: Bass Guitar 867-334-6622/colinmprentice@gmail.com

Donna Reimchen: Flute Contact: 867-335-2045 /reimchen@northwestel.net

Ken Searcy: Drums Contact: 867-336-1396/ ken@discoverdrums.com

Duncan Sinclair: Tenor Saxophone and Clarinet Contact: 867-334-2789/duncan.sinclair@yknet.ca

Annette Smith: Clarinet Contact: 867-393-4956 / anothersmith@northwestel.net

Anne Turner: Upright String Bass Contact: 867-668-6586 / anneturner@northwestel.net

Kamira Tyreman: French Horn Contact: 867-334-7861 / kamirapotter@gmail.com

Lucas van de Ven: Oboe/Bassoon Contact  867- 334-6081/lucas.vandeven@outlook.com

Jody Woodland: Baritone, Euphonium Contact: 867-667-9037 (w) /jody.woodland@hey.com

Rob Ziegler: Euphonium and Trombone Contact: 867-335-8030 / rob.ziegler@gmail.com

Toby Moisey: flute specialist; all band instruments - PCSS band teacher Contact: 867-667-8044 ext 135 / toby.moisey@yesnet.yk.ca

Alexander James: guitar and jazz specialist; all band instruments - FHCS band teacher Contact 867-667-8665 /  alexander.james@yesnet.yk.ca

Grade SuitabilityAll
Maximum Class SizeTo be determined
Time RequiredTo be determined
Language of InstructionEnglish

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